We offer free pest advice by phone or email
If I cannot identify the insect or condition personally, I can have any insect or condition positively identified by an entomologist, to discover whether or not a problem exists.
For example, I was called to a warehouse where a large amount of orange and brown beetles (Clerids) were evident. The warehouse contained imported timber items. I collected beetles and had them identified. They were a significant predator of timber borers, and therefore treating them would have been a mistake.
Similarly, we recently encountered infestations of Springtails and through positive identification we found that they are found in decaying vegetable matter. This significantly impacted our treatment strategy, because the major part of the solution was to have the gutters cleaned of leaf litter and decaying vegetation.
Therefore, I cannot stress the importance of proper identification, prior to establishing a strategy for control. This is extremely important in the case of a quarantine situation. Drywood termites, fire ants, and other exotic pests, are not to be treated by regular pest managers. These pest species must be reported to the Queensland Department of Primary Industries.
For further information on exotic pest species and the course of action, go to www.dpi.qld.gov.au or phone 13 25 23.